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From Cryosphere to Coast: Policy Action Dialogue tackles Climate Change Impacts on the Third Pole and Mountain Ecology

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate […]
Published: 17 Sep, 2024
⏲ 7 minutes Read

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination (MoCC&EC) and the Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change (CSCCC), launched a three-day Policy Action Dialogue titled, “Tackling Climate Change Impacts on Cryosphere, Water, Food Security, & Disaster Risk Reduction.” The event convened officials from relevant departments of federal and subnational governments in Pakistan, briniging diverse stakehoders together to address critical challenges posed by climate change and to develop strategies for effective policy implementation.

Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Director General of ICIMOD, emphasized in his welcome remarks the vital role ICIMOD plays in addressing the complex environmental challenges of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. "Pakistan, with 7,253 glaciers—the highest number outside the polar regions—is vulnerable to both floods and droughts. We must improve access to climate data for at-risk communities," he stated, highlighting that although technologies exist, scaling them effectively remains a challenge. Dr. Gyamtsho stressed that disaster risk reduction should focus beyond preparedness and prevention, urging investment in planning and implementation. Aisha Khan, Chief Executive of CSCCC, underscored the ecological significance of mountains and the interconnectedness between upstream and downstream communities. She called for an “all-of-government and all-of-society” approach to climate change adaptation, emphasizing the need for a shift from merely identifying gaps to real time implementation.

Ms. Romina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change at MoCC&EC, delivered a keynote speech highlighting the importance of the Indus River, which supplies freshwater to the people of Pakistan but is under severe stress due to rising temperatures. She pointed to the government's efforts, including the Living Indus Project, Recharge Pakistan, and GLOF-II, which aim to address water scarcity and the growing risk of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). "Climate change knows no borders," she remarked, stressing the need for cross-sector coordination, investment in sustainable practices, and community-based adaptation to build resilience.

Lt. Gen. Inam Haider Malik, Chairman of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), emphasized the alarming impact of warming on the cryosphere, revealing that glacial melt in the Indus River basin is accelerating at a dangerous rate. He cited a 23.3% decrease in snow cover between November 2023 and April 2024 and an annual glacial melt rate of 3%, with an additional 16% mass loss over the past five years. He warned that while melting may provide temporary water surpluses, the long-term implications are dire and require urgent attention. He urged on the need for a regional approach to address the cryospheric crisis. 2

Dr. Arun Bakhta Shrestha, Strategic Group Lead at ICIMOD, elaborated on the future of water availability in the HKH region, noting that glaciers in the region could lose between 30-75% of their ice volume by the end of the century, depending on the pace of global warming. "The Indus River Basin, with the highest Water Tower Index (WTI) in the world, is the most vulnerable," he said. "As ice melt begins earlier, it will impact spring and autumn flows, exacerbating water scarcity for communities reliant on glacial meltwater for agriculture." Dr. Shrestha stressed that innovation, implementation, and financing are essential to address the looming water crisis related to cryosphere.

Special remarks delivered by Ms. Aisha Humera Chaudhry, Acting Secretary of MoCC&EC emphasized on the need for making the cryosphere an integral part of the climate discourse in Pakistan. Ahmed Kamal, Chairman of the Federal Flood Commission and Neelofur Hafeez, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research (MoNFS&R) highlighted the importance of interagency cooperation to tackle the multifaceted challenges of climate change.

The first day of the dialogue provided an in-depth overview of climate change impacts on Pakistan’s cryosphere, disaster management, and agriculture. The initial session, chaired by Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Chief Executive of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority of Nepal, featured presentations on cryosphere risks and disaster management from the Pakistan Meteorological Department, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, the Gilgit-Baltistan Disaster Management Authority (GBDMA), and the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) of Balochistan.

The second session, chaired by Dr. Asif Ali, Chairman of the National Seed Development and Regulation Authority, focused on water availability and agricultural challenges. Presentations were delivered by experts from the Global Climate-Change Impact Studies Centre, the Punjab Irrigation Department, the Sindh Irrigation (PCRWR), the Soil and Water Conservation Directorate of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and the Water Management and Irrigation Department of Gilgit-Baltistan, highlighting the urgent need to address water management and food security in the face of climate stressors.

This three-day dialogue serves as a crucial platform for generating actionable insights and driving collaboration among various stakeholders, as Pakistan confronts the escalating impacts of climate change on its water resources, food security, and disaster resilience.


Dialogue on Cyrosphere, Climate and Policy Action concludes emphasinging urgent need to bridge the policy-implementation gap

Islamabad – Wednesday, 13 September 2024 - The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination (MoCC&EC) and the Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change (CSCCC), concluded a three-day Policy Action Dialogue titled, “Tackling Climate Change Impacts on Cryosphere, Water, Food Security, & Disaster Risk Reduction.” This event provided a platform for critical discussions on Pakistan’s current policy landscape surrounding climate change, water security, food security, and disaster risk reduction (DRR), emphasizing the urgent need to bridge the gap between policy and implementation.

The final day of the dialogue on Legislative Oversight featured a keynote address by Honorable Justice Ayesha Malik of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, focusing on the role of climate litigation in advancing climate justice. Justice Malik stressed that the judiciary has played a vital role in addressing climate-related cases through the lens of human rights, sustainable development, and environmental protection. However, she expressed disappointment with the lack of enforcement of court rulings on climate justice, citing numerous instances where decisions had been ignored or inadequately implemented. “Climate change is fundamentally a human rights issue,” Justice Malik remarked. “This crisis affects not just people, but every living being—plants, animals, and entire ecosystems.” She called for moving beyond mere acknowledgment of climate change as a critical issue, urging actionable steps and an end to working in silos. “Climate change doesn’t work in isolation; it’s coming at us full force. Policies will not be effective unless they have clear targets, deadlines, and mechanisms for monitoring and accountability.” She underscored the importance of strengthening institutions and governance systems to ensure that policies are translated into concrete action for the betterment of the people.

The Closing Keynote presented by Senator Sherry Rehman, Former Minister for Climate Change and Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Climate Change & Environmental Coordination emphasized the importance of understanding the cryosphere, which plays a crucial role in Pakistan’s water cycle, and expressed concern about human activities that are accelerating the melting of glaciers. Rehman stressed that Pakistan’s dependence on glacial-fed rivers, especially the Indus River, makes it highly vulnerable to climate-induced disasters, such as glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs), which have devastating impacts on infrastructure and livelihoods. She also raised alarm over the global consequences of melting permafrost, which could release infectious pathogens and increase the risk of future pandemics, likening the climate crisis to broader health and environmental threats. Senator Rehman criticized the lack of coordinated action on climate policies, attributing failure to policy paralysis, weak governance issues, siloed thinking, and  creating new agencies rather than strengthening existing institutions. She argued that the focus should be on enhancing the capacity of current offices and utilizing a "magic triangle" approach, involving the private sector, central government, and provinces, to address climate challenges.


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