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Coordinator - Stimulating action for clean airICIMOD

Posts by Bertrand Bessagnet

18 September 2024
China reflects on a stunning reversal on air pollution

In 2013, Beijing had some of the worst air quality in the world: a decade on emissions have plummeted. Five years after he was last in China to work on air quality management, Bertrand Bessagnet, who coordinates ICIMOD’s work on air quality, returns to a city transformed, to find out how China got it so right, and what next.

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6 September 2024
Regional science-policy dialogue on air quality: Thimpu outcome text stresses need for collective action and funding

The Thimphu Outcome summarizes the key discussions and recommendations from the Second Regional Science Policy Dialogue on Air Quality Management in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Himalayan Foothills (IGP-HF) held on June 26-27, 2024, co-organized by ICIMOD and the World Bank, in partnership with the Royal Government of Bhutan.

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