"20 May is World Bee Day, observed worldwide to draw the attention of the public and decision-makers to the importance of protecting bees and remind us of our extraordinary reliance on bees and other pollinators."
– Surendra Raj Joshi
"20 May is World Bee Day, observed worldwide to draw the attention of the public and decision-makers to the importance of protecting bees and remind us of our extraordinary reliance on bees and other pollinators."
– Surendra Raj Joshi
A tiny fraction of Nepal’s energy is used in agriculture. Harnessing renewables could be a game-changer for millions of farmers, writes Jan-Erik Studsrød, Counsellor for Energy and Climate at the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Kathmandu.
Young researcher and ICIMOD / GRAPE Embrace Equity Grant recipient Bidhya Poudel Chhetri chronicles the challenges and opportunities for women agriculturalists in the far west of Nepal
On the majority-women-led farming coop reversing the fortunes of a district that has consistently ranked last in the human development and poverty index.
Farmer Laxmi Thapa worried that ditching chemical fertilisers and pesticides would hit her bottom-line. With the help of GRAPE, her input costs have dropped, while her yield, and health, have leapt.
Farming requires perseverance and hard work at the best of times. Now with the effects of climate change firmly embedded in many places across the HKH region, farming communities need to become resilient to these impacts.