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Tag: biodiversity

20 February 2025
Addressing interconnected challenges on biodiversity, water, food, health, and climate in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

As lead authors of the IPBES Nexus Report - ‘Assessment Report on the Interlinkages Among Biodiversity, Water, Food and Health,’ ICIMOD’s Sunita Chaudhary, Biodiversity lead and Abid Hussain, Economies Lead, share eight critical points for addressing interconnected challenges on biodiversity, water, food, health, and climate in the Hindu Kush Himalaya.

12 December 2024
Freshwater springs and wildlife dependence

Natural springs in many contexts, including in mountain and water-limited (arid or semi-arid) landscapes, are often biodiversity hotspots and keystone ecosystems that have a disproportionate influence on surrounding landscapes given their usually small size.

31 October 2024
Restoring ecosystems and landscapes in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: our longer-term commitments to achieving global goals

Achieving global biodiversity, climate, and sustainable development goals isn't a short-term task. It demands our ongoing commitments – through sustained investments, strong partnerships, and tangible actions that make a lasting impact on the ground.

30 October 2024
Impacts of weeds and invasive species on rangeland biodiversity in Bhutan

Rangelands, which are found in diverse ecosystems, support both livelihoods and rich biodiversity, and are […]

29 February 2024
Failure to manage invasive species carries a possible price-tag of $423billion each year. What does this mean for the eight countries of the Hindu Kush Himalaya? 

Biological invasions are responsible for substantial biodiversity declines as well as high economic losses to society and monetary expenditures associated with the management of these invasions.

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