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Category: Economies

10 December 2024
Exploring the heart of Jumla through its farming systems

My journey to Tatopani Municipality in Jumla was more than just a field visit; it was an eye-opening experience that deepened my appreciation for the resilience and resourcefulness of local farming communities.

14 November 2024
Foresight: Translating future uncertainty into present-day choices

In times marked by uncertainty and looming threats, foresight emerges as an essential tool to anticipate potential risks such as the unforeseen flood in Kathmandu, and delve deeper into signs of approaching change.

12 September 2024
Nature’s pharmacy: Exploring the herbal riches of Bhutan’s highlands

We were surrounded by a wealth of highly prized medicinal plants and herbs as we walked through Jigme Dorji National Park

29 August 2024
The vital role of green entrepreneurship in driving Nepal's industrial strategy - Startup Nation 2030

This speech by Izabella Koziell at the 3rd National Conference "Startup Nation 2030" highlights the vital role of green entrepreneurship in driving Nepal's industrial strategy. It underscores ICIMOD's commitment to fostering innovation, building capacity, and supporting sustainable startups that will lead Nepal into the fourth industrial revolution.

20 May 2024
Beyond Honey: How Bee Products Can Boost Rural Economies

"20 May is World Bee Day, observed worldwide to draw the attention of the public and decision-makers to the importance of protecting bees and remind us of our extraordinary reliance on bees and other pollinators."
– Surendra Raj Joshi

30 April 2024
Energising Agriculture in the Hindu Kush Himalaya 

A tiny fraction of Nepal’s energy is used in agriculture. Harnessing renewables could be a game-changer for millions of farmers, writes Jan-Erik Studsrød, Counsellor for Energy and Climate at the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Kathmandu.

16 April 2024
Unveiling stories of resilience in Dailekh, Nepal 

Young researcher and ICIMOD / GRAPE Embrace Equity Grant recipient Bidhya Poudel Chhetri chronicles the challenges and opportunities for women agriculturalists in the far west of Nepal

16 April 2024
A quiet revolution in Badhu

On the majority-women-led farming coop reversing the fortunes of a district that has consistently ranked last in the human development and poverty index.

16 April 2024
The win-win of phasing out farming chemicals in Surkhet 

Farmer Laxmi Thapa worried that ditching chemical fertilisers and pesticides would hit her bottom-line. With the help of GRAPE, her input costs have dropped, while her yield, and health, have leapt.

7 February 2024
Youth in agroecology: a new generation leverages climate resilience in agriculture

Farming requires perseverance and hard work at the best of times. Now with the effects of climate change firmly embedded in many places across the HKH region, farming communities need to become resilient to these impacts.

11 December 2023
Invest in tourism for greater climate resilience in mountain destinations: Tourism-climate change stocktake 2023

Chapter four of the Tourism Panel on Climate Change Stocktake report has a dedicated section that brings in the perspective of the HKH mountain destinations, where the strong need for an integrated assessment of climate risks to attract investment for climate resilient mountain tourism has been highlighted.

4 October 2023
A youth champion for climate-resilient agriculture in western Nepal

At a time when many young people are abandoning agriculture, young farmer Bindu Sahi inspires others to seek simple and innovative solutions to farming challenges.

15 September 2023
Cultivating change in a changing climate: Local farmers transforming agriculture in western Nepal

Drought, extreme weather events, and shifting pest and disease patterns are some of the challenges posed by a changing climate that affect farmers all over the HKH. One such farmer is Puna Rawat Bhandari, 31, from Dailekh District, in western Nepal, where she plays a vital role as a local resource person at the Community Learning Centre in Bhandaritol, Ward 4, Dullu Municipality.

1 September 2023
Turbocharging green start-ups in Nepal

Nepal's Entrepreneurship Framework is set to turbocharge green enterprises and shape a resilient, inclusive future.

1 September 2023
Pioneering Green Innovation and Resilience – Startup Nation 2030 

In the heart of Nepal, where economic challenges meet climate threats, a green revolution ignites at the Startup Nation 2030 Conference.

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