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Tag: GIS

13 August 2024
ICIMOD and MoALD: Cultivating an effective partnership through state-of-the-art technologies

The SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIR-HKH) Initiative of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and Nepal’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Department (MoALD) have been using remote sensing (RS) and machine learning (ML) techniques to adopt new technologies in food security assessment since 2019.

12 August 2024
Regional institutional collaboration and geospatial research: Students lead the way

The Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS of Bangladesh’s Jahangirnagar University leads the way in geospatial research in the country, thanks to its ties with ICIMOD, USAID, and NASA.

12 August 2024
Harnessing Earth observation technology for Bangladesh’s agricultural resilience

As Bangladesh’s Department of Agricultural Extension and ICIMOD firm up a partnership on using remote sensing and Geospatial Information System technologies in the country’s agricultural sphere, crop mapping and flood and drought risk management will now be on a stronger footing.

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