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Tag: SG1

22 April 2024
As Nepal’s air quality plummets, experts urge a focus on forest fires

With twice the number of forest fires recorded in the first two weeks of April versus the March total, air quality has plummeted and nature loss is rising. Data tools, training, early-warning, and the revival of traditional forest management practices offer a way to reduce the frequency and severity of forest fires.

8 November 2023
River basins need integrated solutions to face climate impacts

The ground floor of the modest Melamchi River Resort, that lies just northeast of Nepal’s capital Kathmandu, lies buried beneath debris.

31 August 2023
Communities harness nature for water smart solutions in the Himalayan landscape

Chhirak Maya Rai, 82, has witnessed remarkable changes throughout her life, though water was never an issue in her community.

21 August 2023
Promoting sustainable and efficient brick-making practices in India through ICIMOD–PCBA collaboration

Zig-zag technology promises cleaner and more efficient burning of fuel, resulting in better-quality bricks

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